Bakkegaards School: School Development and Construction

Clients: Gentofte Kommune, the SKUB-project

Project Partners: Grontmij | Carl Bro, Bakkegårds school.

Period: 2006-2009


is redesigned and rebuilt for 100 + million kr. The reconstruction is based on the school’s educational vision.

The project management team consisted of Lene Jensby Lange, Autens, in collaboration with Peter Boris Damsgaard, Grontmij | Carl Bro, in the completing and commissioning phase. Lene with special focus on user involvement, project management / monitoring, communication and learning environments. See also the separate task on the construction of school learning environments for further examples.

Bakkegårds school has been nominated for the International Mies van der Rohe price.

>>Read more about the SKUB project


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