Learning from Denmark: Keynote on building Danish schools and learning spaces

June 2009

Lene Jensby Lange, representing colleagues in Grontmij, gave a keynote speech at a well-attended Learning from Denmark conference, organised by Danske Ark and the Danish Embassy in London. The speech was followed by a workshop session, facilitated in collaboration with colleagues John Christensen and Michael Jonsen. It was a wonderful opportunity to share across nations what we believe to be a successful approach to deliver great schools – and to share the passion for schools that embrace multiple ways of learning, that really see and nurture the different talents in children, and that encourages creativity in a wide range of ways. The response to both Grontmij / Autens and the presenting Danish architects was overwhelming and clearly struck a chord with the audience. This also marked the beginning point of working and exchanging ideas with British colleagues from eg. BCSE, and Human Scale Education later on.


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