In 2017 our cross-disciplinary team of Årstiderne Arkitekter, Sweco and Mutopia won the competition for the new Lindbjergskolen in Herning with our child- and play centered school design. Three years later the school is now open and went on to win Nohrcons Danish School Architecture Award 2020. The jury described the school as a genuine and super inviting children’s environment with lots of opportunities for expressions, movement and learning.
The new Lindbjergskolen in Hammerum was inaugurated January 2020 by prime minister Mette Frederiksen and replaces two existing schools in what is now a local powerful community center. Not only featuring school and afterschool clubs but also the local library, community house, sports hall and trampoline centre, the facility offers a wealth of indoor and outdoor creativity, sports and play facilitates to families in the area 24/7.
The newbuilt comprises 15.000 m2 with a budget of 200 million DKK.
We wanted to create a strong sense of belonging and offer rich environments for learning, collaboration, making, friendships, play and movement as the DNA of the school. The school features large amphi seating staircases in all departments, climbing walls, an endless number of nooks, central multisports facilities indoors and outdoors and a loop track around the school and across the roof which also offers facilities for work, movement and play.

”It is so beautiful and our grandchildren just loves coming to school!”
”The concept is so well thought through both physically and psychologically”
”The indoor and outdoor environment nudges both movement and immersive learning.”
”The building clearly signals Play, Joy & Creativity and thus really mirrors the users of the house”
”My son is so lucky to be a student. The school is just awesome. Also it has meant a lot to the local community binding the two neighboring cities of Gjellerup and Hammerum closer together”
”It really expresses the imagination and joyful play that are at the heart of being a child.”
”My husband works at the school and he is happy each morning going to work, and not least also comes home happy”
”I work at Lindbjergskolen, and it is just fabulous. The way that movement is incorporated into everyday life ♥makes a huge different. The children gets to move so much more here.”
In the top picture: koncerndirektør Kurt Poulsen (KPC), teamleder byggeri Martin Agerbo (Sweco Danmark), projektleder Ingelise Thune Laursen (Herning Kommune), direktør Lene Jensby Lange (Autens), kreativ leder Peter Kristiansen (Årstiderne Arkitekter), skoleleder Erik Søgaard (Lindbjergskolen), formand for Børne- og Familieudvalget Dorte West (V) (Herning) og projektleder Lars Vang (KPC).
Other photos: Autens and courtesy of Årstiderne Architects (Niels Nygaard)