Project-based learning is very close to our hearts at Autens. We believe learning should be authentic, contextually and personally meaningful, have a strong element of student voice and incorporate the skills we all need now and in the future. We believe that well-designed DOING is LEARNING: Designing learning to be hands-on experiences of making a difference is such a powerful way to not just learn new knowledge and skills, but also gain a deeper understanding as well as be empowered to ACT on the knowledge you have gained.
We experience a huge interest from schools in making learning more authentic. This year we are supporting more than 10 school and 700 teachers in our PBL Academy. We tailor our support to the specific needs of schools. . not just something youDoes Project-based learning interest you more too? An exciting development is taking place at the Danish elementary schools. Just last year, we trained 10 different schools in different municipalities in structured, didactic methods for project-based learning and innovative, authentic learning.
Project-based learning – when carried out thoughtfully – hits the sweet spot, where 21st-century skills, brain-based learning and student passions can come together to create empowering deeper learning. It engrains an understanding in each student that we can all make a difference – and indeed we should.
Transitioning to authentic, hands-on learning is like riding a bike. It looks super easy. Yet it can be quite scary and not very beautiful when you first try it out, and you are not sure it is going to work. And then all of a sudden, you’ve got it – and you never look back!
Our PBL team are passionate practitioners and trainers who all have deep experience from the classroom of how to design and facilitate motivating, powerful authentic learning. Teaching is not a theoretical disciple. It’s craftsmanship and an art form.
We are proud to be heading the most comprehensive project-based learning programme in Denmarkat the moment, the Future Schools project in the city of Høje Taastrup. All schools will be transitioning to PBL, with the generous support of the A P Møller Foundation. We are training and supporting 700 teachers throughout a 3 year transition phase.
We run workshops, camps, seminars – also online, exhibitions, team support, inspirations events, on-call support and everything else imaginable to inspire, support and applaud the work of teachers and schools that we collaborate with.
We are part of a global family of ground-breaking schools and thought-leaders who are an inspiration to each other every day. To mention a few, the influence of our dear friend Larry Rosenstock, founding CEO of High Tech High and 2019 WISE Price winner cannot be underestimated. We also collaborate closely with mind-blowing such as Liger Leadership Academy, Think Global School, Albany Senior High, Stonefields School, Agora School etc. We add a specific Nordic feel to the mix, with a strong emphasis on student voice, well-being, and compassionate citizenship as the purpose of school is to create our common future.
Get started with project-based learning
How do you create a projects that capture students, ensures academic depth and supports 21st century competencies? Here, we open up the inspiring world of PBL with a basic toolkit that can be applied instantly in your team planning and classrooms.
Project-based learning in dept
Here we dive into our extended toolbox for planning and facilitating long-term projects for deeper learning, ticking all your learning goals. We provide strategies for typical pitfalls and support you in designing for project-based learning that empowers your students and allows them to shine as who they really are.
Project-based learning cOMMUNITY
Here, we dive into the deep end and invite you to become part of global communities of PBL practitioners.
Though-leaders and passionate peers will critique and empower you to take PBL to the next level in your classroom, supporting your continued learning.
How do plan an entire school year or even several years of delivering your curriculum through PBL?Learn our proven model to navigate learning goals, 21st century skills, authentic learning and student voice in comprehensive yearly plans that supports your team every step of the way – and also serves as powerful communication to parents.
Learning spaces in the project-based school
How do you redesign your classroom for project-based learning?
As teaching and learning are re-wired, you need to think about the physical environment too. The classroom is the invisible hand that nudges and guides both teachers and students.
Get your hands on our globally awarded methods for designing deliberately for deeper learning.

Third year with Project-Based Learning in Høje-Taastrup!

Project-based Learning – getting started on Funen!

Autens Social Online – PBL in the jungle and in Denmark

Project-based learning at Hornbæk School

Study trip to High Tech High in San Diego

Project-Based Learning: 3 year programme in Høje Taastrup

Project Based Learning at Brorsonskolen